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Published By:
Spyhre Software Solutions
IZON Media Network

Instantaneous Content Updates on your Entire Display Network

ZoomContent offers a flexible ad server/content push platform for your private and public networks with an app that can be installed on a Smart TV, Android Devices and Tablets and can be updated in real time. Create your own content cycle that lasts minutes to hours through ZoomAdmin. Each TV/or device that has the ZoomContent app can be viewed online from your dashboard and can be instantly synched to the content of your choosing with no buffering. For devices without internet access, you can use remote sync or offline data copy features.

 Unlimited Devices
• Multiple scripts for devices based on zone/region or groups
• Full real-time analytics on content played
• Ability to insert ad networks to maximize revenue

Pushing out content you want to publish is a lot different than executing a successful content marketing program that connects with customers by delivering meaningful experiences that are contextually relevant.” – Ardath Albee