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Middleware is where information from all sources is stored, analyzed and disseminated. With so the sheer number of technology partners for messaging, email, data (going in and out), integrating all these solutions has become critical of every product. Without middleware you are vulnerable to interruptions that can occur with integrated products and are out of your control.

A robust middleware that stands between your application and outside world taking in, updating and sending out data is the solution. With built-in redundancy and independent technology resources and hardware, the middleware can ensure your application is not at risk for outages. With a plethora of middleware solutions, it is critical that your particular architecture is appropriate for your application needs. We work with numerous technology integration partners to ensure our middleware solutions are the most critical component of the application. 

These integration partners include payment gateways, email distribution providers, data warehouses, messaging providers and reporting platforms.

Getting started the right way means having a solid middleware infrastructure!


// Integration Partners

Spyhre has developed integrations with companies such as: